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  • dannyflynn2

New in Berlin

Updated: Jul 24, 2019

Last Saturday, I took a plane to Berlin from Dublin. The flight was one-way, and I have absolutely no intention of returning if I can help it. While I was able to make a living doing occasional acting work in Dublin through, I was hoping to find something related to IT. Most of my qualifications are in that department and I still usually identify as a software engineer, although I have more recently worked as a network engineer in both Ireland and Canada.

While this is my end-goal, I don't necessarily expect to find anything in that department any time soon. Consequently, I've been looking at bar work in the local area among other things. I've heard call centre work isn't particularly hard to get here, but I'm putting a hold on that one because I've been having a few coughing fits recently. I feel that might be a little counterproductive in that kind of role.

In the mean time, I'm trying to stay on top of things through writing applications and keeping up with any online courses that I've signed up to. Most important among them is keeping up my Duolingo. My German has gone downhill over the years, since graduating from a German School in 2007 and I need to make sure that I keep it up if I'm to get by here.


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